You, Massage Therapy School And Infant Massage

by | Jun 24, 2015 | Health

If you find yourself expecting a child, have a young one or are simply interested in trying a newer form of massage therapy, you should consider taking infant massage courses at a massage therapy school. In Flagstaff, you will be able to find a course or two that will help you discover a wonderful and healthy way to connect with babies. Infant or baby massage is becoming increasingly popular as parents, pediatricians and other medical professionals have discovered how it can be very beneficial to both baby and mothers. In addition to an introductory course in Infant Massage, ASIS Massage in Flagstaff AZ and around the state offers NCTMB approved CEU courses in Infant Massage, and Pregnancy Massage.

What Is Infant Massage?

As the name indicates it is a variation of massage therapy adapted to perform on infants. This can be done by a parent, a caretaker or a qualified massage therapist. If you are a parent, it is a great way to help your child relax and for you to become closer to your infant. For a massage therapist, it is a way to help a mother and baby enjoy their life on a different level. At ASIS Massage in AZ, we feel it is essential to help parents bond with their new child, and Infant Massage in Flagstaff is designed for the massage therapist to help train the parent.

Why Study and Practice Infant Massage?

Infant massage is relatively new in North America. It has, however, been practiced in the past in India, East Africa and Bali. It also has a history among the Inuit in the North. They understand the benefits that an infant can derive and you can, too, by putting into practice the techniques learned at our massage therapy school. In Flagstaff, massage therapy practitioners devote some time learning how to correctly massage infants, and train parents in safe supportive touch. You can follow this route and include this as part of your areas of expertise, perhaps making it one of your specialties.

Yet, beyond expanding your personal and/or professional knowledge, studying infant massage should be considered as another means of getting in touch with your inner child. All babies love massage. They enjoy the sensation. In fact, research indicates that infants have a higher intensity of feeling than adults do. This is what many infants crave. Adults who have not been touched may grow up without this sense of connection to themselves and their parents.


Research has discovered that massage is good for all children, regardless of age, but particularly for premature infants. It has found that it has positive effects including:

1. Increased growth
2. The ability to leave the hospital sooner
3. Improved connection between parent and infant
4. Increased development of the nervous system

In fact, touch for all infants can be viewed as a lifesaver. This makes it all the more important. If you want to work with mothers and infants, you need to learn how to perform it correctly – usually by attending a qualified massage therapy school. In Flagstaff, where it is part of the ASIS curriculum, you will be able to learn how to use the right techniques and approach including:

1. Light touch
2. Short periods of massage
3. Firm pressure but never hard

Infant Massage Courses at a Massage Therapy School, Flagstaff

Infant massage is a specialized form of massage. It may take any forms – with Shiatsu infant massage becoming popular. It does require, however, that you attend courses that address the need for specific techniques. At a massage therapy school in Flagstone, ASIS offers just the course you need to become proficient in this type of unique massage.

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