What to Expect During a Post Birth Massage in Cedar Rapids Iowa

by | Sep 19, 2017 | Healthcare

Giving birth is a strenuous process that can leave a lot of mothers feeling out of whack. Many report backaches, especially after getting an epidural. A Post Birth Massage in Cedar Rapids Iowa helps to alleviate some of this pain and get the body back to feeling normal. Before scheduling one, though, there are some things new mothers should know to expect.

Physical Exam

The physician will not simply ask where the pain is located and immediately start performing the massage. Instead, a physical exam gets performed to ensure all the right places are indicated. He will work with the patient to ensure any uncomfortable symptoms get addressed as well.


Many postpartum massage therapists include aromatherapy in their sessions. It adds another element of relaxation and can make the experience more enjoyable. Some may use diffusers to put the scents into the air, while others include the oils in the massage lotion. If a mother has a preference, she can specify which before coming in for the appointment.

Appointment With Baby

It needs to get asked ahead of time, but many clinics allow a baby in the room at the time of the appointment. They understand the importance of the massage, yet also realize the importance of mom and baby time. Some women are just not comfortable leaving their newborn with a sitter at search an early age. Ask the clinic whether they allow appointments with a baby or not.

Increased Circulation

Eliminating pain is not the only goal during the massage. The body tends to swell due to extra fluids in the body during pregnancy and afterward. By getting a massage, women can experience increased circulation that allows the build-up of fluid to move through the body easier and return it to its proper place. This procedure will decrease any swelling felt.

A Post Birth Massage in Cedar Rapids Iowa helps to work out the body and return it to its normal feeling. Backaches and pain that have built up over the months and through the birthing process can get eliminated with ease. Any new mothers wanting this procedure done should consult a family medicine clinic.

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