What Are Different Breast Enlargement Options In Orange County & Los Angeles CA

by | Apr 4, 2018 | Cosmetic Surgery, Surgery

A Breast Enlargement procedure can and will enhance the upper torso of a lady, bringing her more confidence and for most people make her more attractive. In Orange County and Los Angeles California, boob jobs (another term for breast enlargement procedures) are very popular.

Breast Enlargement in Orange County is a popular breast augmentation procedure that many OC residents are opting for. This procedure allows a plastic surgeon to create and enhance the appearance of their female clients. This is necessary to help improve the shape of breast due to the pull of gravity or the effects of child birth and their drooping effect on a womans breasts with the assistance of breast implants.

Two types of Material for Breast Enlargement

For many the safest type of breast implant is saline or salt water. This is the only type of implant permitted to be used on women under the age of 23. This type of implant has more movement than the alternative, but if a leak does occur, the saline solution can easily be absorbed by the body with no to few side effects.

The other form is silicone breast implants. This material holds its form better and vast improvements have been made over their containment vessels to make them safer. This provides a more natural feel to them and they hold their shaper better.

The Placement of Implant for Breast Enlargement

The plastic surgeons performing Breast Enlargement in Los Angeles, California use three different types of procedures. The right one for a lady depends on how she wants them to look like.

The subglandular technique places the implants on top of the muscle. This allows for more movement, but the sagging of the breast will occur faster than the other two approaches.

The full subpectoral technique places the implant fully under the pectoral muscle. This placement is the preferred choice for the lady that desire to have the so called perky breasts. They standout and hold their shape the longest with no to very little sagging over time.

The dual plane or partial subpectoral technique provides the most natural contour for enlargement surgery. This technique is allows for the natural slope of the breast to be present even with the increase in size.

The enlargement of breasts is one of the best paths a lady can take to help her feel more confident in her appearance while boosting her self-esteem. Consult with an Orange County plastic surgeon to see if this path is right for you. You can also connect them on Facebook for more updates.

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