Improve Your Appearance With Cosmetic Dentistry in Clayton

by | Feb 12, 2014 | Dental Health

A smile is one of the first things you notice when you meet a new person. However, if your smile isn’t as bright or straight as you would like it to be, you may not be making the most of your first impressions. Cosmetic Dentistry in Clayton can help you improve your confidence in social situations by improving the look of your teeth. Cosmetic dentists have several treatments available, including teeth whitening, veneers, Invisalign and dental implants.

Many people hide their smile just because their teeth are not very white. By not smiling, you may appear unfriendly and may not be invited on dates or other social events. Teeth whitening is one of the most utilized forms of Cosmetic Dentistry in Clayton. If your teeth are stained from years of drinking coffee or cola, a painless teeth whitening procedure at Cosmetic Dentistry in Clayton can get your teeth several shades whiten in about an hour. With your new, bright smile, you may be willing to show your teeth to anyone who looks your way.

Other cosmetic dental problems are not as simple to correct but they can make as much of an impact after the procedure is complete. If you have cracked or chipped front teeth, a cosmetic dentist from Forest Park Dental can fit your teeth for veneers. Veneers fit over your existing teeth and match the color of your other teeth so no one will know you have them. Crowns are also available and offer full coverage for more serious structural problems. You can care for your crown or veneer just as you do your natural teeth.

Some adults refrain from smiling because their teeth are not as straight as they would like them to be. Invisalign is a great alternative to traditional braces and works well for adults who might be embarrassed or uncomfortable wearing braces but still want straight teeth. Whether you need whiter teeth, straighter teeth or more structurally sound teeth, a cosmetic dentist in Clayton may be able to solve your problem. Cosmetic Dentistry at Forest Park Dental of Clayton can help improve your smile so you can show your teeth with pride every time you meet someone new.

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