Understanding Wrinkle Laser Treatment in Minneapolis, MN

by | May 6, 2014 | Health

Wrinkle Laser Treatment in Minneapolis, MN is a type of treatment that is used to reduce the signs of facial wrinkles as well as skin irregularities, including acne scars or blemishes. The technique uses concentrated short pulses of light targeted at any areas of irregular skin, allowing precise removal of the skin, layer by layer. The most popular procedure is also referred to as laser vaporization, laser peel and lasabrasion.

Who is an Ideal Candidate for this Process?

If you have any wrinkles or fine lines around your mouth, eyes or on your forehead, scars that have appeared from acne or any type of non-responsive skin after a face lift procedure, you are an ideal client for the Wrinkle Laser Treatment in Minneapolis, MN procedure.

If you have extremely dark skin or acne, you may not be an ideal candidate for this process. The technique is also not recommended for any signs of stretch marks. You should talk about the laser resurfacing treatment by consulting your doctor prior to undergoing the procedure.

The Resurfacing Process

There are two main types of lasers that are used for the resurfacing process, erbium and carbon dioxide. Each of the lasers have the ability to vaporize the skin cells that are damaged on the surface level.

Laser Resurfacing Preparation

When you decide to undergo laser resurfacing treatment, it is important to talk with your doctor to ensure that you are a good candidate for the procedure. You should also be sure you select a doctor who has the experience and training necessary to successfully complete the resurfacing process. Your doctor will also determine the best treatment for your needs after carefully considering your desired results, current health and medical history.

You should let your doctor know if you tend to develop any fever blisters or cold sores on your mouth, as the laser process can cause a breakout of this type of problem.

If you believe Wrinkle Laser Treatment in MN is right for you, schedule a consultation to talk with your doctor. You can learn more about the process and the expected results, and determine the process that would be best for you.




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