Understanding SIBO, Its Causes and Effects, and How to Treat It

by | Aug 5, 2019 | Health

When bloating and conditions like leaky gut occur, most people reach for over-the-counter relief. They change their diet and pray the problem goes away. They can’t lie down, bend over, or otherwise handle the pain. The truth is they could have a small bowel problem called small intestinal bacterial overgrowth or SIBO. Read on to learn what it is, how it affects the body, and how to relieve it with an herbal treatment for SIBO.

What Is SIBO?

The small intestine links the stomach to the large intestine or colon. Bacteria live in the small intestine, and their job is threefold: They protect against bad bacteria and yeast, produce their own nutrients like vitamin K, and move food through the small intestine into the large intestine.

SIBO is defined as increasing numbers of bacteria in the small intestine, including bacteria normally found in the large intestine. It isn’t one specific type of bacteria, but an overgrowth of different types of bacteria.

How Does It Affect Your Body?

SIBO destroys the cells lining the small intestine. This produces spaces out of which the small intestine’s products leak. This means that the small intestine doesn’t efficiently process food and absorb nutrients. The proteins get into the bloodstream, causing food allergies, inflammation, and autoimmune conditions.

The problem is that the bacteria absorb vitamins and nutrients before they can benefit the body. Vitamin deficiencies are common, as well as insufficient amino acids. This leads to an overproduction of ammonia, which requires detoxification. By now, the body is already overburdened, so it can’t detox itself.

Symptoms and Treatment

While SIBO is largely underdiagnosed, there are symptoms for which to watch. If you have bloating and abdominal pain, diarrhea or constipation, gas and burping, or unexplained weight loss, then see a doctor immediately.

There is herbal treatment for SIBO. Your primary care physician can tell you how to obtain it.

For more information visit KBS Research.

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