Reasons for Teeth Whitening in Lubbock, TX

by | Apr 1, 2013 | Dental Health

Most of us like to look the best that we possibly can, and that often includes the appearance of our teeth. While some people can maintain fairly white teeth during their lifetime, many of us often end up with staining for a variety of reasons. Some drink red wine regularly, some smoke, some drink coffee frequently, and some consume foods that are prone to causing discoloration. Whatever the cause may be, the process of teeth whitening is available to almost all of us, and is one that really works.

Having your teeth whitened professionally by your dentist is likely the safest way to go. There are over the counter products that you could try, but they may not be as effective as the methods that a dentist might use. They also may be more uncomfortable, since in some cases you have to wear the whitener overnight, sometimes in plastic pieces that hold the product to your teeth. If you visit your dentist to have teeth whitening done, the process is quite simple. You’ll have the whitening agent applied to your teeth for a short period of time, usually about fifteen minutes, and that’s it. It’s a painless procedure that doesn’t require having pieces of plastic stuck in your mouth for an extended period of time. Do keep in mind, however, that it is also more than likely going to be a process that requires more than one visit.

Whitening your teeth can be beneficial for your own personal reasons, usually in that it’ll make you less embarrassed to show your teeth when you smile, especially if your teeth were previously heavily stained. It can also be done to remove tiny amounts of debris that have accumulated over time in very tiny cracks in the enamel of your teeth. When having this done, it is possible that debris will again collect in these little cracks, but it’s also possible that the cracks will essentially cover over, making it so that debris can no longer collect in these areas. And removing this sort of thing can lead to healthier teeth overall.

Another reason to consider having your teeth whitened is that results can be seen immediately. While you will probably not have the ultimate results you are seeking after only one treatment, that one treatment will still make a visible difference. So if you’re looking to improve your appearance quickly, the very first time you visit your dentist for a tooth whitening session will yield actual results.

Teeth whitening is obviously a personal choice that only you can make for yourself. But the reasons behind it are good ones and ones that can help increase your confidence. By restoring your teeth to a more naturally white state, you’ll certainly also appear to be the sort who takes pride in caring for themselves, including having great oral hygiene. So stop considering having your teeth whitened and make an appointment with your dentist today!


Looking for a teeth whitening procedure in Lubbock, TX? Contact Gerwig Family Dental to make your smile bright and healthy. Visit them!

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