Preparing a Child for an MRI

by | Apr 5, 2012 | General

While an MRI procedure is not dangerous, some parents may feel some anxiety about their child undergoing an MRI at an Orlando radiology clinic. Understanding the procedure and preparing your child for what to expect will help relieve some anxiety for both you and your child.

Preparing Your Child

You can soothe your child’s anxiety by explaining to him that there is no pain involved with an MRI. The most difficult part of the MRI will be that he has to remain still during the procedure. Some MRI testing facilities will allow you to remain in the room with your child or at least remain nearby. Assuring you child that you will be present during the procedure will do much to reassure him. Let your child know that this testing will help the doctor find out what is wrong and help him to get better.

Special Accommodations

The Orlando radiology clinic may be willing to make special accommodations for your child during the MRI procedure. Such accommodations may include providing a blanket in case your child gets cold, providing him with earphones to listen to music, or providing sedation for very young children who would find it difficult to remain still during the entire testing procedure.

Questions You Must Answer

There are some questions that the Orlando radiology technician will ask of you to make sure the MRI testing procedure goes smoothly.

  • Is your child wearing any metallic objects? Metallic objects can interfere with the diagnostic film, so any belts, jewelry, eye glasses, or other metallic objects will have to be removed before the procedure begins.
  • Does your child have metallic clips from any previous surgeries? If your child has previously undergone a surgery where he had metallic clips placed inside his body, this might pose a problem with MRI testing.
  • Do you want your child to be sedated? If there is any reason the child will have difficulty remaining still during the procedure or if it will cause undue stress, you have the option of having your child sedated during the procedure.
  • Do you want to remain in the room? The radiologist may ask you if you want to remain in the room with your child during the MRI. Children can sometimes experience anxiety during periods where they have to remain still for long periods of time. Having you nearby could provide the support needed to finish the test successfully.

There is no reason to be unduly worried if an MRI testing procedure is ordered for your child. The test is safe and no radiation is used. Take some time to talk with your Orlando radiology professional and perhaps have the doctor talk to your child if you are still feeling unsure about having an MRI for your child.

For more information about the benefits of open MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging), visit the Orlando radiology website or Open MRI of Orlando – Radiology & Diagnostic Imaging Center Florida.

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