Naturopathy: An Introduction

by | Mar 27, 2018 | Health

Naturopathic medicine is an avenue of healthcare in which practitioners utilize natural, non-invasive, and traditional forms of medicine to promote healing and well-being. Since many such methods have become more mainstream over the years, and naturopathy courses are becoming more common in the field of medicine, there are a few practices you might find familiar.


Essential oils from plants can activate receptors and nerves that send messages to your brain when you smell them. One commonly known use of aromatherapy is through lavender, which you may be familiar with as a relaxing scent used to lower stress and help you sleep. But the use of aromatherapy spans further than just relaxation, as certain essential oils may help ease depression, pain, and even the effects of cancer or dementia, according to WebMD.


The use of herbs and dietary supplements is another way that naturopathic professionals treat their patients, as the NIH notes. If youve ever heard someone expound upon the benefits of certain teas or spices, or even just drank some chamomile tea to relax, then youve been exposed to a bit of herbology. The use of medicinal herbs traces back to ancient China, and herbal medicine has since been utilized all over the world.


There are also lesser-known areas of naturopathy that you may not have heard of before. One such practice is iridology, which is the study of a persons irises. You may have heard that the eyes are the windows to the soul, but a persons irises can also offer a look at their health as well. According to the practice of iridology, various parts and patterns of the iris can correspond to different parts of the body.

Of course, if youre interested in practicing naturopathy yourself, youll want to attend naturopathy courses at an accredited school like the New Eden School Of Natural Health & Herbal Studies. Attending a curriculum rooted in the practice of naturopathy will leave you well-equipped to practice your knowledge.

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