How you can adopt your Baby

by | Nov 3, 2011 | Health


Adopt Your Baby

Adopt Your Baby

The number of childless couples seeking to add to their family is sadly a large figure. With couples marrying later, postponing plans for starting their families and possible physiological factors beyond control, the situation often arises when a loving and financially stable couple find they are unable to conceive and have their dream family. Although fertility treatment is a remedy to some couples and helps them in conception and pregnancy, many couples are unable to conceive even with repeated fertility treatments. If you are one of those couples, you can think of adoption as an option. When you adopt a baby or child, you not only fulfill your own emotional needs, but you also offer a young child or baby a loving home, parental nurturing and security that the birth parents could not offer. Adopting a child is a service to society and a great source of happiness and pleasure for you and your spouse.

If you want to adopt a newborn baby, independent sources are best equipped to find a birth mother for your child. 55% of all newborn adoptions are conducted independently in the United States. Surrogacy can also be an option for you and your spouse. Surrogate mothers can best be matched using independent agents and legal firms who specialize in adoptions. Law firms are the best way to proceed when you adopt your child as you are made fully aware of your rights and all the proceedings are conducted transparently. Surrogacy may be altruistic or commercial. When the birth mother does not expect any monetary gain from bearing a child for another couple, it is termed an altruistic surrogacy. Commercial surrogate mothers expect to be compensated for their pregnancy and giving up the child. If the birth mother is the biological mother of the baby you plan to adopt, the surrogacy is termed traditional. When the birth mother allows implantation of an embryo in her uterus it is termed a gestational surrogacy as the birth mother is not genetically related to the baby.

The laws for Adoption vary from state to state where some states have more lenient and favorable laws while some states still exercise some stringency and rigidity. Check the states that most suit you when applying for adoption. You may want to adopt an older child. Older children in foster care can be adopted via public agencies in states like Oklahoma. Adopt your child through public agencies or law firms for satisfaction and peace of mind. Law firms ensure the adoption proceeds smoothly with no loopholes and provide confidentiality.


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