Help Your Teens Overcome Substance Abuse with the Help of a Professional

by | Sep 2, 2015 | Health

Do you suspect your child has a problem with drugs or alcohol abuse? In todays society children feel a lot of pressure from their home to school and even from their friends. They have a hard time dealing with this pressure and often will turn to a chemical substance to help them deal with their problems. Often a teen will cave under the peer pressure to try drugs or alcohol to help them fit in with their friends and schoolmates. Unfortunately, it is not as simple as trying the chemicals then never using them again. More often the child will become dependent and continue to uses the drugs or alcohol to help them through their day. If you or anyone you know who has a teen that is struggling with an addiction contact an organization that offers substance abuse treatment in Minnesota to help them start overcoming their problem today.

Signs Your Child May Have a Substance Problem

* You can smell unusual odors on their clothing, body, or breath.
* Their pupils are smaller than usual or their eyes are bloodshot.
* Lack of personal or physical care when it comes to grooming.
* Their sleep patterns change or they being to lose or gain weight rapidly.
* The teen has slurred speech or seem incoherent, they may even have tremors.
* They lose interest in their favorite activities or have poor attendance at work.
* The child has been getting into more trouble at school and their grades are beginning to decline.
* A change in their friends and where they usually hang out at.
* Avoiding eye contact and lock themselves away from others.
* For no reason, the child seems more paranoid or withdrawn.
* They have severe mood changes from laughing for no reason to suddenly becoming very angry.
* The teen has a lack of motivation and can appear lethargic.

How a Reputable Organization Can Help You

A team of trained staff has the knowledge and skills required to help your teen overcome their substance addiction once and for all. When you try to handle the situation on your own it can cause a lot of strain on not only the teen but the family as a whole. Abuse counselors will not only work with the child but with their family to help them determine ways to help them from relapsing once they have beat their problem. They can provide one-on-one sessions with the child and their parents to discover ways to help the teen realize they have a problem and how to prevent a reoccurrence.

Do you have a teen that would benefit from substance abuse treatment in Minnesota? Contact the skilled staff at Options Family & Behavior Services, Inc. to learn how they can help your child.

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