5 time tested beauty secrets

by | Jul 3, 2010 | Beauty

Beauty Secrets

Beauty Secrets

While everyone desires to have a healthy skin, there are many things one can do to improve their appearance and skin’s health. If you are looking forward to have a beautiful skin, these five secret beauty tips can be very helpful for you.

Protecting your skin:

If you want to look young and eliminate wrinkles from your face, you must ensure that skin care products you choose include natural anti-aging ingredients. CYNERGY TK is one of the most effective anti-aging ingredients. So, when shopping for skin care products especially facial products, look for the one that has CYNERGY TK in it.

Apply sunscreen lotions and use sunglasses:

When you go out in the sun, make sure you apply PH sunscreen lotion. You need to also wear a hat, sunglasses along with protective clothing. If you are going to spend the entire day on a beach, applying 20+ sun-block containing zinc oxide is a good option.

Use night cream:

Prior to sleeping make sure you remove all makeup. If you use a moisturizer that contains grape seed oil, then removing makeup will be much easier. This is mainly because grape seed oil moisturizer prevents dirt and makeup from getting into your skin pores.

The skin care cream that you generally use at night should contain Shea butter and avocado oil. While these natural oils are not appropriate to use during the daytime, they work well at night and do not leave any greasy stains on your pillow.

Moisturize after cleansing:

Irrespective of whether you have a dry or oily skin, you need to essentially moisturize it after cleansing. All natural cleaners eliminate natural oils and protect your skin cells from disease and damage. When using a moisturizer make sure it is free from artificial fragrances, preservatives and other addictives.

Use gentle cleanser daily:

Using a gentle cleanser everyday will help to loosen the dead cells and dirt, this leaves your face looking fresh. Majority of face scrubs available today are too rough and strong, especially when it comes to your face. Make sure the cleanser you use is gentle and safe.

So, with the help of above tips, you can easily improve your appearance while having a healthy skin.

Beauty Secrets

Beauty Secrets

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