Assisted Living Homes And Signs That One Is Needed

by | Jul 29, 2015 | Senior Health

Its important to understand that people might not want to admit that it is time for them to live in Assisted Living Homes. In such cases, it’s up to loved ones to look for signs that it is time for assisted living. Fortunately, the signs are easy to recognize once a person knows what to look for. Recent accidents can be an indicator that a person is having trouble living on his/her own. Falling over and over again is a bad sign. It usually means a person is having more trouble than others may know about. Isolated incidents may not mean much, but if there is any type of pattern, it might be time for assisted living.

Any chronic health condition that seems to be getting worse shouldn’t be overlooked. Dementia and arthritis are two examples of chronic conditions that can get worse over time. A lot of dirty clothes around a person’s home and dirty dishes in the kitchen might indicate that doing laundry and other household tasks has become too much. Maintaining good hygiene may also become more difficult. If a person starts to have a strong body odor, there may be a problem with bathing.

The warning signs that a person needs assisted living don’t stop there. Changes in appearance can indicate a problem. Weight loss could mean that cooking and/or eating has become more difficult. Weight loss can also be a sign of a serious illness. A person may start to appear more frail. What about social interactions? A person may give up going out if moving around has become too painful. Depression may make an individual become more withdrawn. Any changes in behavior should noted.

There are times when the warning signs may be financial in nature. Money problems may start to manifest. Bill can go unpaid. An elderly person may just stop opening bills altogether. There are some unscrupulous people who try to take advantage of the elderly. For example, a representative with a charity may ask for donations over and over again because a person may not remember giving. You can follow them on Twitter.

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