Artificial Insemination in San Antonio, TX and Other Methods of Fertilization

by | Apr 13, 2015 | Health

There are many couples that desperately want to have children, but for some reason, they just haven’t been able to produce. In most of the cases, one or both of the partners are sterile. That can be devastating on a couple planning to start a family. However, fertility issues can be treated, for both the male and the female. A clinic that offers Artificial Insemination in San Antonio TX treats these unique needs of each patient. Following are some of the remarkable ways in which infertility is treated.

Before understanding how to treat infertility, it would be helpful to discuss some of the common issues that cause people to suffer from being sterile. In males, infertility can be caused by diabetes, erectile dysfunction, cancer treatment, sexually transmitted diseases, such as herpes or gonorrhea, a bout with mumps or premature emission. Work related issues can also contribute to infertility. Examples of such issues are being exposed to high heat temperatures, dangerous chemicals, areas of radiation and exposure to heavy metals. The male may also want to stop smoking and excessively consuming alcohol if such is the case.

Things that cause the female to be infertile include but are not limited to ovulation disorders, the factor of age, recurrent miscarriages, autoimmune diseases and uterine polyps. As an unspoken rule, women have their best chances for pregnancy in their 20’s. In their 30’s, the chances are reduced to about 20 percent. In their 40’s, the chances are around five percent. Obviously, the younger the woman, the greater the chances of fertilization. However, these perfect scenarios do not always play out for couples. This is where fertility treatments come into play.

At the Fertility Institute of Texas, couples or individuals will be given several options for fertility treatment based on an initial evaluation. Some fertilization methods that are offered are In Vitro Fertilization, ovulation induction, the freezing of eggs, third party reproduction, reproductive surgery, and, of course the final option: adoption. Whether the party is interested in trying artificial insemination in San Antonio TX or some other methods, everything possible will be done to induce fertilization at the Fertility Institute of Texas. You can get more information on the process by visiting the website.

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