Anxiety and depression caused by stress can make life exceedingly difficult, especially for those who feel they have no control over the symptoms. Anxiety and depression may seem dissimilar to many people, but both are often symptoms of the same kinds of underlying core problems. We all, to some degree, suffer from anxiety and depression at various levels from time to time. Many people know how to cope when they are feeling anxious or depressed, while for other people it can be extremely debilitating and lead to other serious problems.
Anxiety symptoms often include racing thoughts, black and white thinking, a sense of helplessness, insomnia, and even panic. People who suffer from anxiety may exhibit symptoms surrounding a specific situation, or it may be more generalized. Depression on the other hand is less of a fear of the future or of particular situations, but is a marked disinterest in life that can lead to extremely painful feelings that make one feel as though all pursuits are futile. A pervading sense of doom can cloud thoughts and severely distort perspective. Anyone undergoing such severe symptoms would likely benefit from seeing a therapist in Florida to help them come to terms with a more realistic assessment of life, and who may recommend medication to assist in that endeavour as well.
Such descriptions of anxiety and depression are the extreme. Most of us run the gamut of a pendulum closer to the centre and do not have such wide swings. A healthy assessment that helps each of us to get in touch with how we feel through the assistance of a therapist is helpful in learning skills to cope with emotional distress when it is brought on by difficult circumstances.
For some people, however, the very nature of extreme levels of anxiety or depression demotivates them to seek the help of a therapist, so they seek another out through self-medication. Addictive behaviour such as the use of drugs, alcohol, pornography, eating disorders, or even work can be routes of escape that only tend to make room for problems to grow worse. A therapist in Florida who addresses both these kinds of symptoms as well as the core reasons a person feels anxious or depressed can assist those who want to change into new behaviours.
No one has to suffer from severe anxiety or depression. There are numerous tools available to help people to overcome these obstacles that can have such a severe debilitating effect on everyday life. Gathering the impetus to seek help from a therapist in Florida is the first step.