TMJ – Symptoms and Treatment

by | Nov 9, 2011 | Health



TMJ is a common problem among several individuals nowadays. You can treat this problem in different ways. However, it is advisable to opt for the help of a TMJ dentist to treat this problem in a safe and effective manner.

Your dentist will firstly prescribe some home remedial treatments that can be followed easily at home. Some of the common treatment methods are as follows:

  • Eat only soft foods such as yogurt, eggs and oatmeal
  • Exclude hard and crunchy food substances

Your dentist will also ask you to avoid wide movements with your mouth. Such wide movements will cause unduly strain and will elevate the problem. You should therefore avoid yawning too wide or resting your chin on your hand. Avoid clenching your jaw as this also qualifies as a wide movement. You can instead indulge in light exercises and relaxation techniques to ease the pain caused due to TMJ. Remember that the problem of TMJ is aggravated by the lack of enough sleep.

A cosmetic dentist can certainly treat your problem effectively without causing any side effects. However, you should ensure that you select a reputed cosmetic dentistry clinic to obtain the desired results. Ensure that the TMJ dentist has the necessary accreditation and experience in this particular field.

Remember that a skilled cosmetic dentist will first consider all the available options before deciding on a surgery.


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