What Kind Of Diet Is Beneficial To Peak Kidney Health And Function?

by | Aug 19, 2019 | Health

If you’ve ever passed a kidney stone, then you know what pain feels like. You also know that you’ll do whatever it takes not to feel that pain ever again. You look up kidney doctors in medical care in Franklin Square and find something called a nephrologist. This kidney doctor will tell you that diet is vital to the peak health and function of the kidneys. Why?

Why Is Diet So Important?

The food contains nutrients used by the body to sustain the organs or to help them function properly. Protein, for example, is the building blocks of the cells. Cells make up everything in the body. Protein makes waste, though, which the kidneys eliminate. Too much protein, and the kidneys work harder.

Protein comes from plants such as beans, grains, and nuts. Animal proteins are found in chicken, meat, fowl, fish, and eggs. Eating these in to cup increments are not too much for the kidneys to process.

Heart Healthy Foods

Did you know that fat builds up in the kidneys like as it does in the heart and arteries? The kidneys will function better if you grill or bake foods instead of frying. Using extra virgin olive oil or coconut oil is better than using butter. Heart healthy foods are fowl without skin, lean meats, fish, beans, fresh vegetables and fruits, and low-fat dairy products.

About Phosphorous

The nephrologist in medical care Franklin Square will alert you that phosphorous is used by the body to make bones and teeth, to process fats and carbs as well as to form and maintain cells and tissue. If kidney disease is present, though, the phosphorous builds up, robbing the teeth and bones of calcium.

Eating foods and drinks low in phosphorous helps maintain kidney health. These are breads, pasta, and rice, rice and corn cereals, rice milk, fresh fruits and vegetables, clear soda, and homemade iced tea.

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