Three Distinct Signs That Your Loved One Might Be Battling Dementia

by | Jun 12, 2019 | Assisted Living

Dementia is an unfortunate condition that can befall anyone as the years go by. A little loss in memory and moments of confusion are considered a normal part of aging. The real difficulties begin when confusion and forgetfulness begin to take a toll and even lead to safety issues.

Finding Items in Bizarre Places

Losing track of important items like wallets or car keys and then finding them in bizarre locations like the inside of the refrigerator or cupboards can be a sign that something is not quite right. It’s not abnormal to lose track of things at any age, but to place items in odd locations that seem nonsensical is a red flag that something other than forgetfulness is going on. Getting a firm diagnosis and seeking dementia nursing care in Richmond, VA, families rely on for compassionate, 24/7 care will help improve quality of life.

States of Confusion or Forgetfulness

Dementia can begin to rob memories from your loved one and make them seem confused at times. Not being able to recognize faces or normal surroundings are a clue and symptom you need to discuss with their doctor. It can be fleeting at first, but will gradually progress and become longer periods of confusion.

Your Loved One Gets Lost or Cannot Account for Long Hours Away

One of the scariest things for families with loved ones suffering from dementia to experience is having them disappear for hours at a time with no recollection of where they’ve been after returning. It will gradually demand higher and higher levels of supervision to keep your loved one from wandering off or getting lost. It may be time to get the dementia nursing care in Richmond, VA, to help keep loved ones safe.

Contact the caring staff by visiting the website and find out more about dementia care for your cherished family member today.

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