Keeping Your Pets Safe as Spring Rolls Around

by | Apr 5, 2019 | Animal hospital

Spring is starting to make its presence known. With the warmer breezes, people are getting outside more, enjoying the season, and getting ready for making home improvements as the weather warms up. Before then, it’s a good idea to become familiar with the many hazards that your pets could encounter this spring.

Keep the Chocolate Away

Cats and dogs both can become ill after eating chocolate. This luscious delight contains caffeine and theobromine. Both of these substances stimulate the heart, act as a diuretic, and dilate blood vessels. If the animal consumes too much, it can be fatal. If your pet shows signs of distress after eating chocolate, head for the animal hospital Chicago pet owners trust.

Keep the Window Screens In

Letting the fresh air into the house is a great benefit of spring. However, make sure your windows are equipped with snug, sturdy screens. Cats and dogs can jump out or fall out of an open window. It’s better to keep them safe behind a screen.

Use Caution While Spring Cleaning

Almost all cleansers, including the all natural ones, contain substances which can be harmful to the health of our furry companions. Follow the directions carefully when using any cleanser. Rinse the area to remove residue. Keep chemicals where your pets (and kids) can’t get to them.

Prepare Your Garden with Care

Getting the garden ready for the growing season is a part of spring. When you need to use pesticides, herbicides, or fertilizers, always keep pets out of the area. These garden staples contain toxic chemicals which can be fatal if ingested. Also, consider which plants you have in your garden.

A few simple precautions will keep your pet healthy throughout the spring. To learn more, contact Portage Park Animal Hospital & Dental Clinic. We are the animal hospital Chicago pets and owners love.

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