Spirit Fitness Can Enhance Your Overall Level of Happiness

by | Feb 26, 2019 | Health

Being spiritually fit might not be something you consciously think about, but it is important. Spiritual fitness helps you become whole. As part of the four fitnesses, mental, physical, financial and spiritual, its important to take care of our spirit.

Is Your Spirit Up?

Our spirit may soar when we know something good is coming our way. Its the anticipation and hope in knowing something good is about to occur. When things arent going so well, our spirit may dampen a bit, but its important we dont let ourselves get down and stay down. This is when you focus inward, not in a critical, demeaning way, but in a critical thinking, positive way. We all suffer from disappointments and sometimes disasters. How we choose to handle them will determine if our spirit stays down or rises to overcome the defeat. This is the practice of spirit fitness. It has been said while we may experience defeat, we must never feel or believe we are defeated because we arent.

Connection to a Higher Spirit

Within each of us is the ability to get better and improve not just our mind and body, but our spirit too. You are part of an intricate, but basically simple, system of energy. Your thoughts influence your actions and affect your spirit. Your energy is what propels you forward. How do you reach for the next rung on your ladder of life? Based on your belief about yourself and the world around you, you can improve your life. When you look to your spirit, consider connecting to a higher spirit. This may come through meditation, walking in nature, walking on a labyrinth, walking along the beach, sitting and watching the waves of the ocean, drinking tea while watching birds in trees or butterflies on bushes, sitting quietly and focusing on the flickering light of a candle or praying. These are just some of the ways people practice spirit fitness.

If youre looking to find more information on spirit fitness, visit this website.

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