How Can Non-Surgical Laser Treatments in Lake Charles, LA Help You?

by | Oct 24, 2018 | Skin Care Clinic

When most people think of laser treatments, they think of surgeries and surgical procedures. Most people dont particularly want to undergo a surgical procedure when it comes to solving a cosmetic issue such as varicose veins. However, varicose veins are not simply a cosmetic issue. They have been shown to cause other, more disruptive complications. Thankfully, there are also non-surgical laser treatments that are available. This means that you can get rid of your varicose veins before they cause an issue and not have to undergo a surgical procedure in the process.

What Types of Treatments Are Available?

One of the most efficient non-surgical laser treatments in Lake Charles, LA is a procedure that can be done in a doctors office under local anesthesia. It is known as an Endovenous Laser Ablation, often shortened to EVLA. The procedure involves a small needle being inserted near the targeted varicose vein to ultimately serve as a sheath for the laser fiber. Once the needle and the laser fiber have been inserted into the vein, heat energy is used to return the varicose vein to normal, leaving you with only a pinprick. This procedure often takes around 30 minutes to complete. Before you know it, you will be able to return to work the next day without any varicose veins in sight. This form of non-surgical laser treatments is considered to be one of the quickest ways to treat varicose veins.

Why Should You Search for Non-Surgical Treatment?

Surgery is often a complicated procedure that can have a lot of ill effects on people. Not only is surgery often expensive and invasive but it can also force you to take several days off work. This means that on top of paying for an expensive procedure, you will also have lost wages. Nobody enjoys being in such a situation. This is why, when the option is available, non-surgical laser treatments are often a much better route to take when it comes to taking care of varicose veins. For more information on what these treatments can do for you, visit website to learn more.

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