Get Help For Pet Allergies In Evansville, IN

by | May 15, 2018 | Health

Mans’ best friend could be causing your allergy symptoms. In fact, dogs and cats have several allergens on their fur, skin and in saliva. Experts reiterate that all dogs and cats have allergens despite the information about hypoallergenic pets. So far, there are no reported hypoallergenic cats. However, several breeds of dogs are thought to be hypoallergenic including poodles and Portuguese water dogs.

Understanding Pet Allergies

Allergens are substances that cause the immune system to believe it’s in danger. As a result, Pet Allergies in Evansville IN appear and cause a lot of misery. Itchy, watering eyes are common along with the itchy skin. Further, the face may swell, or one could develop hives. Coughing and sneezing are also blamed on pet allergies. Indeed, people with respiratory problems may have to use a bronchodilator.

Experts say allergy symptoms will be worse in a home with multiple pets. Further, it does not matter whether the animal has long or short fur. In addition, male and female animals produce allergens in the same amount. Likewise, it does not matter how much time the animal spends outside.

What Should You Do?

Those who are susceptible to pet allergies should avoid cats and dogs. Additionally, wash your hands immediately after touching a pet. HEPA cleaners can help with keeping allergens down. Further, vacuum often and give the pet a weekly bath. The doctor may recommend immunotherapy for Pet Allergies in Evansville IN.

Immunotherapy starts with a skin prick test. An allergist rubs a small amount of allergen on the patient’s skin. Afterward the skin is pricked so the body absorbs the allergen. The symptoms quickly show up in allergic patients. Therapy involves small injections of pet allergens on a regular basis. Hopefully, the individual builds up a tolerance.

Other Medical Treatments

Several medications treat individual symptoms. For example, corticosteroid nasal sprays are prescribed for stuffy noses. Further, antihistamines may help a variety of allergic reactions. Those who want to keep their pet should not let them in the bedroom. Individuals spend more time in the bedroom than anywhere else. It is also a good idea to change clothes after contact with pets. If you are suffering, contact us today.

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