Understanding The 3 Types of Stem Cells

by | Feb 28, 2018 | Health

The mention of stem cells in the news is rampant and has been for quite some time. However, many Americans dont have a full understanding of stem cells and how they really work. For example, did you know that there are actually three kinds of stem cells? While most controversy conveyed in news outlets surrounds the use of embryonic stem cells, there are other stem cell types that are also being explored in scientific research and utilized in the newest medical therapies. In fact, these latest treatments may be closer to home than you thinkthere is even stem cell therapy in Lynnfield, MA.

Keep reading to learn about each of the three stem cells that occur in the body, according to Americans for Cures.

  1. Adult Stem Cells (Tissue Stem Cells): These stem cells come from several different areas of the adult body, including the liver and muscle. However, it is important to understand that these stem cells are specific to the tissues from which they are derived. Liver stem cells can only create new liver cells, for example, and no other types of cells.

  2. Embryonic Stem Cells (Pluripotent Stem Cells): These cells are unique since they have the ability to develop into any type of cell in the body. Unlike adult stem cells, embryonic stem cells are not limited in the cell types that they can generate.

  3. Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells: Thanks to new scientific technologies, it is possible to create pluripotent cells from adult stem cells. In other words, the more limited tissue stem cells are reprogrammed into cells with more versatile regenerative capabilities.

If you think that the new and improving therapies utilizing stem cells may help you reduce your pain or even avoid surgery, contact the Cherry Street Health Group to ask about stem cell therapy in Lynnfield, MA.

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