Fun Facts About Plastic Surgery

by | Apr 4, 2017 | Cosmetic Surgery

Most people have heard the term plastic surgery and many of us know someone who has had some sort of plastic surgery treatment or procedure done. However, the vast majority of people today know little to nothing about this popular cosmetic procedure. So here are some fun facts about it to help you get in the mood for your appointment with a plastic surgeon of Schaumburg.

Many of the modern innovations we have for plastic surgery came during World War I where doctors were forced to deal with countless injured soldiers who had many debilitating and gruesome injuries.

In ancient Rome, they used plastic surgery procedures to remove scars from nobility in order to help preserve their regal looks.

The first Breast augmentation procedure was done in Germany for a singer who had a lump in her breast removed. They took fat from her back and used it to fill in her breast tissue.

The first nose job is thought to have been performed in ancientIndia as far backin 600 B.C.

Modern liposuction procedures were started in 1977 by Dr. Yves-Gerard Illouz and changes the plastic surgery world because it was the fruit treatment to not leave scars behind after the procedure.

US president Bill Clinton was the first to put forth a bill proposing that plastic surgery be covered by insurance providers for victims of breast surgery due to cancer and other illnesses.

Nose jobs and breast augmentation are the two most common treatments performed and as much as 90% of those getting plastic surgeries are due women and men make up the remaining 10%.

To get started on your own path with a plastic surgeon in Schaumburg, contact Chicagoland Aesthetics today! They will be pleased to provide the exceptional level of care that you need.

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