As children and adolescents grow they face many transitions as they develop social skills and the emotional stability that they will need to live happy, healthy, productive lives. This transition period can be exciting as well as confusing, if they get themselves involved in issues that interfere with their ability to thrive they often benefit from adolescent therapy in St Paul. A skilled therapist can often help children learn how to deal with their emotions, stress from school and family pressures.
Substance abuse in adolescents:
It is a fairly common for adolescents to experiment with alcoholic beverages and drugs; if this is not dealt with it can quickly develop into serious behavioral and social abnormalities. Although the overall incidence is less than five percent in adolescents between 12 and 17 years of age, when you consider how many fit into this age group nationally, five percent is a staggering number of young people.
There are many programs designed to help adolescents that find themselves dealing with substance abuse problems. Those involved in adolescent therapy in St Paul play a major role in monitoring the use of these substances and holding them accountable to the goals that have been set by the therapist. One of the objectives is to find healthy ways to deal with the stress that might have led to abuse in the first place. Depending on the specifics of the individual case it often proves helpful for therapy to also consider and take into account other mental health conditions that might be part of the problem.
There are other helpful approaches to teen substance abuse problems:
* Intervention: Helpful in treating adolescents that show early signs of a substance abuse problem. This approach is designed around goal setting and recognition of their real value in society.
* Community reinforcement: Identification of factors prevalent in the young persons life and familial relationships that might have led to the abuse problem. This approach is based on a family support system geared towards helping to move the adolescent away from such substances.
As a parent of a troubled youth that may be seeking help, your childs school counselor can often refer you directly to specialists who deal with adolescent therapy in St Paul.
“Company Name” offer adolescent therapy in St Paul. Options provide an environment that combines the best of mental health treatment and substance abuse programs.