Trouble Sleeping? Chiropractic Treatment to Help You Sleep Better

by | Aug 10, 2015 | Medicine

Did you know that insomnia is the most common of the sleep disorders defined? There are more than 80 of them all at present including restless-leg syndrome and having interrupted breathing during your sleep!

While the amount of sleep we need changes when we get older, with adults generally requiring 7-8 hrs compared to the 8-11 hrs (and naps) children and teenagers do with, theres nothing in medical literature to suggest that you can be both sleep deprived and your body functioning properly. Actually, skipping even an hour or two is no good for your health. So, if your sleep cycle is broken, you have reason enough to consider chiropractic treatment.

This, in addition to you avoiding alcohol or products with nicotine and caffeine, performing regular exercises, trying to relax mentally and physically before you hit the bed, investing in a supportive pillow and mattress will effectively facilitate you maintaining a regular schedule. Self-induced as these causes are, youre often inflicting them unconsciously: kids to take care of and job requirements, for example, can be the reason why you have longer working hours or more stress loads than your peers.

Identifying the Problem

Got trouble concentrating, mood swings with a leniency towards irritation, lack of energy, slow reaction time, and poor memory are all signs of a sleep problem. Under no circumstance should you treat them lightly; the National Institute of Health has listed insomnia in connection with an anxiety, depression, PTSD, Parkinsons and Alzheimers.

All-nighters are also detrimental to health because they reduce your ability to fight off bacterial infections. Now you know why youre always suffering from cold and flu? Further, some studies have attributed sleep deprivation to obesity; with higher levels of ghrelin and leptin, individuals have been shown to go for cookies, candy, and cake over fresh fruit, vegetables, and dairy stuff.

Chiropractic Treatment Promising You a Good Nights Sleep

Youd be judging it in a hurry really if you restrict it to spinal manipulation only. Most professionals offer dietary advice, provide training in exercise, and encourage other methods too like acupuncture and massage therapy. Its technically safer too since its a non-pharmaceutical alternative.

Once the chiropractor has evaluated you and diagnose what and where the problem is, theyd proceed to treat you accordingly until you will no longer be complaining of tossing and turning in bed until the wee morning hours or worse of being involved in an accident. The adjustments relax you, improve the blood flow, and correct any spinal sublaxations or misalignments that could be keeping your body from getting a proper rest. The more regularly you receive your treatment, the better your chances are at improving the respective condition and therefore the quality of your life.

At risk from this health hazard? Get in touch with Business Name at Phone Noimmediately. You can also connect with them on Facebook.

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